These are some of the shortcuts used while chatting these days....
Don't be confused by seeing these words if you are new to chatting....
Don't be confused by seeing these words if you are new to chatting....
ASAP | As Soon As Possible | GN | Good Night | M/F | Are You Male or Female? |
ASL | Tell me your Age,Sex and Location | IDK | I don’t Know | SD | Sweet Dreams |
BRB | Be Right Back | JK | Just Kidding | Tnx | Thanks |
BTW | By The Way | K | Okay | TY | Thank You |
ROFL | Rolling on Floor Laughing | LOL | Laugh out Loud | TTYL | Talk to you later |
FYI | For Your Information | LMAO | Laugh My Ass Of | WTF | What The F**k |
FB | LMFAO | Laugh my f**king ass off | WTH | What the hell | |
GM | Good Morning | LMK | Let Me Know | zzz | Sleeping |
N | And | BFF | Best Friends Forever | BMT | Before My Timez |
gr8 | Great | B4 | Before | plz | Please |
r8 | right | kl | Cool | Wassup | Whats Up |
Nice post! :)